4 US-1A
Providence, RI
On the SW corner of Globe & Eddy, outside of Desire Strip Club.
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30 Hoppin St. 3
Providence, RI
Located on the NW corner of Hoppin St & South St., located under the COPRO Parking Garage. Five posts arranged in a pentagram pattern, one separated. 
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42 Basset St.
Providence, RI
Located in the middle of the street, between two buildings. Surrounded by four plastic covered posts.
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66 Angell St.
Providence, RI
Located at the SE corner of Angell and Prospect St., below the Corliss Brackett House.
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102 Waterman St.
Providence, RI
Located on the SW corner of Waterman and Thayer St. across from Metcalf Research Building.
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A catalog of utility boxes and the areas they inhabit.